RSPB Strumpshaw Fen Nature Reserve, Low Road, Strumpshaw, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4HS
Tel No: 01603 715191
The information centre is always worth being the starting point to catch up with any recent sightings. The car park is of a fair size with bicycle racks, there are toilets (including disabled) and there is a picnic area that offers a chance for a break and to catch up with some woodland species.
Opening and Closing Times:
Open all year round.
Area Description:
A precious jewel in the countries natural beauty spots with an assortment of habitats providing much interest for the keen amateur naturalist. Reedbeds, woodlands and orchid-rich meadows as well as nearby gardens, overgrown scrub and general nooks and crannies all make this an area to visit over and over again with guaranteed surprises on every visit.
Even if the reserve isn't cloaked in brilliant sunshine there is still a feel good factor to be had |
Best times to visit:
Spring and Autumn are obvious choices for the bird life with the summer months still providing good interest levels. The most rewarding time of year though is obviously the summer months with insects being the key attraction.
Key Flora:
Marsh Cinquefoil, Marsh Orchid, Yellow Rattle, Marsh Fern; Marsh Pea, Milk Parsley and Meadow Rue are just a few of the delights on offer. The rough areas around the edges of the reserve are worth scanning for a few oddities also.
The wooded areas can be profitable for Lichens and Fungi with several odd rust fungi available for anyone with the inclination.
Key Fauna:
Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Bittern, Woodcock, Cetti's Warbler, Kingfisher, Marsh Tit, Little Egret, Common Tern, Cuckoo, Grasshopper Warbler, Water Rail, Bearded Tit and assortment of waders and wildfowl are a few of the ornithological highs one may encounter throughout the year.
Dragonflies and Butterflies are of high note here with the former group represented by some real quality such as Golden Ringed Dragonfly, Hairy Dragonfly, Black Tailed Skimmer, Scarce Chaser, Blue Tailed Damselfly, Large Red Damselfly and Azure Damselfly
Orange Tip, Small White, Swallowtail, Peacock, Green Veined White, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood, and Brimstone offer the lepidopterist some quality to consider as well as many moth species such as the often overlooked Red Tipped Clearwing.
Otter, Short Tailed Vole and Common Lizard can be seen with a bit of luck.
Among the numerous other insects and wildlife odds and ends Red Headed Cardinal Beetle, Nettle Weevil, Common Malachite Beetle, Wasp Beetle, Longhorn Beetle, the spider Tetragnatha extensa and the rare mollusc Desmoulin's Whorl Snail can be sought out with a little patience.